AJ Woods Harwich, Miranda House, The Quays, Harwich, Essex, CO12 3JW

T: 01255 808 355  |  M: 07771 568 328  |  Email info@ajwoodsengineering.co.uk

Copyright © All rights reserved

Telephone:  01255 808 355

Email:  info@AJWoodsEngineering.co.uk


AJ Woods, an engineering company based in Harwich, Essex is able to offer a variety of services to assist the Inland and Offshore marine sector, as well as servicing the local civil engineering and building sectors.

Utilising a core team of highly skilled and talented staff we are able to offer assistance in the following fields;


Structural Steelwork  

Marine Support Services and Fabrication

Diamond Coring & Concrete Cutting

Selection of

Services offered...

The following provides a snapshot of services offered by AJ Woods...

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Nullam lorem sapien, tempus ac, fringilla at, elementum sed, purus. Duis molestie pede. Vivamus quis odio sit amet libero sodales tincidunt. Nam sit amet metus vitae lectus ullamcorper dignissim. Suspendisse leo. Praesent turpis justo, aliquet ac, accumsan vel, posuere quis, pede. Morbi pretium lacus. Cras non metus. Donec laoreet sem at elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus iaculis dolor id felis. Phasellus cursus nulla non odio. Nulla a lectus sed nisi


At AJ Woods, we design and manufacture stylish staircases and balustrades for residential and commercial properties.

Our workshop is fully equipped and our staff highly trained in creating bespoke architectural steel structures.

Clients often require feature staircases or ones that require intricate detail or are in challenging locations. We can therefore tailor our designs to meet even the most demanding needs.